Unit 11 - Preparation for Progression

Progression Route Research w/ Bibliography

For a number of reasons, this is the university course I'm most interested in and most likely to apply to.
First, I am interested in the Game Design aspect of my current course, not the animation.

 The overview also points out that I'd be able to gain hands-on experience to aid in my portfolio building, which is going quite badly at the moment.

Finally, I have actually visited Middlesex Uni to see what it offers and is quite close to home too. It's around an extra 5 minutes, if not the same length as it takes for me to get to college. Distance from home is probably my biggest factor when choosing universities, and I'd work from home if ever given the opportunity.


Before I started college, I was mainly experimenting with making 3D assets and renders in blender--with not-so-great results.
While I am a horrible artist, I am still somewhat interested in what this course offers as it would improve my 3D asset creation skills. 
The things I pointed out in favour of Middlesex Uni from the previous course apply here too.


To be honest, I just put this here because I needed a 3rd course written down.
While the course itself has what I'm looking for as it would teach me the skills needed to create playable games, the distance from home is just too large for me to justify considering.

Middlesex University Open-Day Visit

On an open day, we visited Middlesex University to see what the place is like and to see what facilities they have in place. The facilities in question are nothing short of incredible, with them having practically everything you'd possibly need to get the job done regardless of the course.

The main thing that wowed me was the 3D Printing equipment, which I didn't realise had significantly advanced since the last time I researched it.

After touring all the facilities, we then went to a talk and workshop of our choosing. The talk was nothing special, and so I won't say anything about it. 

On the other hand, the workshop was immensely fun. It involved us making sculptures using plasticine and then turning them into digital 3D models using a very fancy 3D scanner (that I forgot the name of).

We then were allowed to request anything to be laser-cut and engraved. I challenged the request of 'anything', so I requested the number '42' in the Comic Sans font.

Lo and behold, I'm given a keychain/keyring with the number 42 in Comic Sans on it.
Man, I love technology.

Quell - Industry Talk

Gaming is fun, and exercising is unfun. So, why not combine the two?
Quell is a fitness video game company whose goal is to combine gaming with high-intensity workouts.
Their solution is the Quell Impact, a fitness-based gaming console.

However, this talk was more about the people within the company itself and what they do. There was a lot of background information on certain employees and where they've worked in the past, as well as them having their own advice (such as actively updating one's own portfolio).

It's quite interesting seeing how people can jump from company to company, acquiring and maintaining different contacts in the process. For example, Ellie worked as a Technical Artist for King for a few years before joining Quell.

While I have doubts about the success rate of the fitness console, the talk itself and the advice given was very insightful.

University/Apprenticeship Requirements

Middlesex University - Games Design BA/BSc Honours:

Middlesex University - 3D Animation and Games BA Honours
For both of these courses, I will need at least a Merit UAL Grade for the required UCAS Tariff Points, as a Merit gives 120 points.

London College of Communication - BA (Hons) Games Design

Personal Strengths & Weaknesses

As for actually learning Blender, I think my best and most obvious approach is to do a practice project using the skills I've learned so far.
I could try animating one of the cutscenes I did for my Year 1 FMP and adding more to the scene itself.
Alternatively, I could hold off until this year's FMP as I will likely be using Blender a lot in it.

Personal Statement - First Draft

Portfolio Link

Honestly, I have no idea what to use my portfolio for, as I have zero ideas/plans for progression as of making this.
Sure, I need it for university and/or work applications, but just thinking about doing either stresses me the hell out.
Of course, I can still use it as a collection to highlight all my best work/achievements, but then I run into the fact that I don't think the majority of my work is that good in the first place.
My Yr 1 FMP is one of the few things I would openly admit to being proud of, but even then I wonder if it's good enough for a Portfolio.

1-Year Progression Route

As of 20/03/2023, I still have no idea what my progression route is.
This write-up section is gonna suck.

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